Certified Facilitators
Certified IP2M METRR Facilitators
The following individuals have successfully completed the requirements of the certification program and thus have attained certification.
Facilitator Name | Email Address |
Amber Young | amber.young at hq.doe.gov |
Barbara Phillips | barbara.c.phillips at nasa.gov |
Barry Levy | Barry.levy117 at gmail.com |
Colleen Keith | ckeith at lanl.gov |
David Grau | david.grau at asu.edu |
David Kester | david.kester at hq.doe.gov |
Hala Sanboskani | hsanbosk at asu.edu |
Heather Brady | Bradyhl at nv.doe.gov |
J. McKeever | j.mckeever at nasa.gov |
Matthew (Zac) West | zac.west at mzjlwest.us |
Melvin Frank | melvin.frank at hq.doe.gov |
Nicole Acevedo | naceved at sandia.gov |
Selena Veach | selenaveach at gmail.com |
Travis Aitken | aitkenta at nv.doe.gov |
Trainees Seeking Certification
Trainer candidates seeking certification look for opportunities to facilitate an IP2M METRR session, which is a requirement for their certification process. Since facilitation often requires multiple facilitators, please consider reaching out to them for assistance in co-facilitating.
Facilitator Name | Email Address |
Andrew Dorsey | andy.dorsey at humphreys-assoc.com |
Basil Soutos | bsoutos at samosadvisors.com |
Daniel Goldsmith | daniel.goldsmith at hq.doe.gov |
Doug Fisher | douglas.fisher at pxy12.doe.gov |
J Greg Smith | greg.smith at humphreys-assoc.com |
Jeff Morton | jeffrey.morton at spr.doe.gov |
Justin Ford | fordjustin_8 at hotmail.com |
Michael Marcell | Mmarcell at k2consulting.com |
Michael Nosbisch | mike.nosbisch at smsi.us |
Mo Aboushousha | moa at lanl.gov |
Pam Brooker | pamela.brooker at srs.gov |
Robert Jennings | robert.jennings at pinnaclemanagement.com |
Rocke Johnson | rocke at lanl.gov |
Roxy Franks | roxy.franks at hq.doe.gov |
Ryan Christensen | ryan.christensen at icp.doe.gov |
Samuel Steiman | ssteiman at mpr.com |
Thomas Polen | tompolen at clearplanconsulting.com |
Tim Boatwright | Tboatwright at k2consulting.com |
Trever Zohner | trever.zohner at inl.gov |