Certified Facilitators

Certified IP2M METRR Facilitators

The following individuals have successfully completed the requirements of the certification program and thus have attained certification.

Facilitator NameEmail Address
Amber Youngamber.young at hq.doe.gov 
Barbara Phillipsbarbara.c.phillips at nasa.gov
Barry  LevyBarry.levy117 at gmail.com
Colleen Keithckeith at lanl.gov
David Graudavid.grau at asu.edu
David Kesterdavid.kester at hq.doe.gov 
Hala Sanboskanihsanbosk at asu.edu
Heather BradyBradyhl at nv.doe.gov
J. McKeeverj.mckeever at nasa.gov
Matthew (Zac) Westzac.west at mzjlwest.us
Melvin Frankmelvin.frank at hq.doe.gov 
Nicole Acevedonaceved at sandia.gov
Selena Veachselenaveach at gmail.com
Travis Aitkenaitkenta at nv.doe.gov

Trainees Seeking Certification

Trainer candidates seeking certification look for opportunities to facilitate an IP2M METRR session, which is a requirement for their certification process. Since facilitation often requires multiple facilitators, please consider reaching out to them for assistance in co-facilitating.

Facilitator NameEmail Address
Andrew Dorseyandy.dorsey at humphreys-assoc.com
Basil Soutosbsoutos at samosadvisors.com
Daniel Goldsmithdaniel.goldsmith at hq.doe.gov
Doug Fisherdouglas.fisher at pxy12.doe.gov
J Greg Smithgreg.smith at humphreys-assoc.com
Jeff Mortonjeffrey.morton at spr.doe.gov 
Justin Fordfordjustin_8 at hotmail.com
Michael MarcellMmarcell at k2consulting.com
Michael Nosbischmike.nosbisch at smsi.us
Mo Aboushoushamoa at lanl.gov
Pam Brookerpamela.brooker at srs.gov
Robert Jenningsrobert.jennings at pinnaclemanagement.com
Rocke Johnsonrocke at lanl.gov
Roxy Franksroxy.franks at hq.doe.gov
Ryan Christensenryan.christensen at icp.doe.gov
Samuel Steimanssteiman at mpr.com
Thomas Polentompolen at clearplanconsulting.com
Tim BoatwrightTboatwright at k2consulting.com
Trever Zohnertrever.zohner at inl.gov